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Adrian Richter | Dr. MSc., Dipl.-Sportwiss.


I am a biostatistician by training and graduated in 2011 at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich. As a student employee for W.L. Gore (Putzbrunn) I focused on the planning and application of experiments to investigate the quality of manufactured products. During my training for the MSc. in biostatistics, I focused on high-dimensional OMICs data and benchmarked different algorithms for supervised dimension reduction (e.g. sparse-partial-least-squares). In 2011, I started as a biostatistician at the German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, in the department of Epidemiology. I focused on different aspects of pharmacovigilance related to modern biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs). The impact of missing data in longitudinal observational studies has been the focus of my doctoral thesis, which I finished at the Charité University Medicine in 2016 (grade: summa-cum-laude). In 2017, I started a position as the deputy head of the functional area: Quality in Health Research in the Institute for Community Medicine, Department SHIP-KEF. In our working group, we developed frameworks, methods and R software for the assessment of data quality in designed observational studies. In addition, several epidemiological studies have been published addressing, e.g.: record linkage, MRI findings, and bone-marrow-edema. One aspect of this research relates to benchmarking of machine-learning algorithms and advanced statistical modeling techniques in terms of prediction accuracy.

Institut für Community Medicine / Abteilung für Präventionsforschung und Sozialmedizin
Walther-Rathenau-Str. 48
17475 Greifswald

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